Friday, December 24, 2010

What does Sensible Say?

I don't know? What does sensible say? Well, when I look around at work at the few people I know who were doing the hcg diet either with me or before me, they have all put their weight back on. I luckily have not. I continue to struggle since I hurt my back in May since exercise went from walking 2-3 miles to barely covering a mile. In the beginning after I hurt my back I couldn't walk up or down the stairs without serious risk of falling. Trust me - I know this first hand after having fallen several times. After a month or so I could really feel the weakness setting in due to inactivity. It's weird how quickly you can go backwards. Not so fast going forward. Little steps for me included short flights of stairs, using a handrail and short walks.

Well as of today or yesterday as it is now, I actually squatted down to the floor to pick something up and I was able to get back up by myself! No hands on the floor and no one had to lend me a hand. I was pretty excited about that. I can walk just about any distance now without problem. Oh, I get stiff and I feel it the next day but nothing some Ibuprophen won't take care of. And most exciting news for me~~ I actually walked up the one flight of stairs at work (the same one I tried this with back in July and fell down the stairs backwards) no hands holding the rail and I did it! I made it to the top and my legs weren't shaking and I didn't fall!

My weight is pretty much dropped from the 160 # to about 145#. I'm steady there though and only fluxuate a pound or 2 either way. I was hoping to be 140 for Christmas but with my December vacation that didn't happen. I'm going to head back to the gym starting in January. I think I could safely walk on the treadmill and I should be able to monitor my progress there better than out on the street. I still am a bit weaker than I was before my back issue and so an icy road or something like that I'd be likely to fall. Certainly don't need that!

My husband lost about 20# swimming everyday. He looked really good, but life got back in the way and getting up at 0400 to driving to SLC to be in the pool by 0500 was losing it's fun-shine. Needless to say, it only took him a few short months to put his 20 back on. This is obviously a lifetime committment to sensible eating and exercise. I'll never be one to commit to a marathon or anything like that, it's not my style. I am looking to commit to 30 minutes - one hour of really good walking everyday. I'd like to eventually work up to 4-5 miles/day.